Welcome to Legend of the Green Dragon, a browser based role playing game, based on Seth Able's Legend of the Red Dragon.
The current time in d3jsp Hall is 9:24 pm.
Next new game day in: 0h, 25m, 55s (real time)
The newest resident of the realm is: Farmboy Farelhound
The most recent hero of the realm is: Undergoddess Chickensong
Today's weather is expected to be thundershowers.
Enter your name and password to enter the realm.
Welcome to game.d3jsp.org, please post concerns in www.d3jsp.org. You can exchange FG for game gold and vice versa on our main site.
Game server running version: 1.1.0 Dragonprime Edition
Index Hit Count: 11,928,366
Registered User Hits: 8,003,172